4 Symptoms of the Winter Blues (Plus Tips to Combat Them)

Many of us dream of hot cocoa and cozy sweaters during the winter. But let's be honest: This season can also creep the dreaded winter blues into our lives. Winter blues involve feeling down or sluggish as the days become shorter and colder. If you notice these feelings creeping up on you, you're not alone.

Now that you have a name for those feelings, it's time to discover the symptoms. How do winter blues appear in our daily lives? Today, we'll dive into the four signs of depression and share nine tips to brighten up your winter days.

Lack of sunlight

Imagine waking up and feeling like the sun never rises. Decreased sunlight during the winter months can send our internal clocks going crazy. This lack of light disrupts our circadian rhythms, leaving us feeling out of sync and lethargic. It's like living in endless jet lag, where our bodies crave sunlight in such shortage. Sunlight brings many benefits to our health, including protection from disease, increased energy, and improved mental health. It also serves as an essential source of vitamin D, which plays an important role in regulating mood and sleep Psychology Today. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety, so no, you're not wrong in thinking that your mental health changes in the colder months.

Low serotonin, excess melatonin

Reduced sunlight can affect serotonin and melatonin levels during the winter months. Serotonin, the feel-good chemical in the brain, takes a hit when sunlight is reduced. Low levels of this neurotransmitter can lead to mood swings and insomnia. No wonder we might take an extra dose of caffeine or indulge in comfort foods to ward off the blues.

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As for melatonin, this hormone may increase during this time of the year. As the sun sets earlier, our bodies speed up the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. While this may seem like the perfect recipe for restful and relaxing nights, it often results in feeling excessive sleepiness and low energy during the day. It can feel as if our bodies are in hibernation mode, urging us to retreat under the covers and cancel all plans and productivity.


The cold of winter can turn even the most sociable butterflies into homebodies. Cold weather and short days make going outside less attractive, leading to feelings of isolation. The winter months tend to bring more isolation and time indoors. according to Psychology TodayIsolation can lead to several consequences, such as lack of sleep, anxiety, depression, poor cognitive performance, suicide, and more.

Spending time with others is an integral part of our well-being, which can naturally be more difficult to engage in during the winter. This lack of social interaction can amplify feelings of loneliness and depression, making the winter blues more difficult to shake off. Additionally, when you consider changes in serotonin and melatonin, these biological changes can increase the desire to stay indoors, away from social activities, creating a cycle that is difficult to break.

High calorie cravings

During this time of year, it is common to feel hungry because the body needs more energy to stay warm. Although the extra calories burned are minimal, colder weather and shorter days can increase cravings for high-calorie comfort foods, a report states. Eating well. Of course, hormonal shifts can also play a role. Low serotonin levels can increase cravings for carbohydrates, as they increase serotonin production. Additionally, fluctuations in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which regulate hunger, can affect appetite during the colder months.

Sometimes, winter food cravings can lead to weight gain and lethargy. When combined with the challenge of staying active in cold weather, it can lead to feelings of physical and mental burden. So, while it's completely normal to crave comfort foods, it's important to remember that moderation and balance are key to combating the winter blues.

9 tips to combat winter blues

according to VeryWellMindThere are some lifestyle changes that should be prioritized during the winter months to combat winter blues, including:

Take a news break

  • To reduce stress from the constant news cycle, limit screen time. Select one hour to get news in one session or parts.

Boost your mood with food

  • Eat protein daily to improve your mood and prevent food cravings. Include foods high in vitamin D, such as fatty fish, fortified milk and cereals. Consider nutritional supplements if necessary.

Continue your sleep routine

  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Create a bedtime routine, expose yourself to morning light, and avoid electronic devices before bed.

Get some physical activity

  • Try to exercise for 30-60 minutes most days. Outdoor activities can improve mood by increasing exposure to daylight.

Try a 10x10x10 plan

  • Break your workout into smaller parts. For example, walk for three 10-minute intervals throughout the day.

Contact your support system

  • Socialize with friends and family to reduce feelings of isolation. Virtual or in-person meetings can improve your mood.

Look for the sun

  • To balance your serotonin and melatonin levels, prioritize time spent outdoors. If outdoor time is limited, sit next to a sunny window for one to two hours a day.

Try light therapy

  • Consider using a light box for 20-60 minutes in the morning to combat symptoms. Consult Healthcare provider best practices.

Seek professional help:

  • If symptoms persist, consider treatment. A professional can help you develop effective coping strategies for winter blues.

We've identified the symptoms of winter blues and shared some tips to help you better prepare. Remember, the biggest challenges in winter may not be removing snow but dealing with mental and physical exhaustion. Battling the winter blues is an ongoing process, so celebrate every small step towards a more productive and happier day. Don't forget to check on your loved ones. Supporting each other can make a big difference in overcoming feelings of isolation.

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