7 defenders of the human body πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž

πŸ”ΉZwing. A man yawns to cool his brain during overload. When we sleep too little and work too much, the body triggers a defense mechanism. During yawning, a large amount of air lowers the brain temperature. In addition, yawning opens the airways, supplies the body with oxygen, and relaxes the muscles πŸ’ͺ β €

πŸ”Ή Sneezing is the process of removing allergens and germs from the nasal cavity. With one sneeze you can throw into the surrounding air more than 100 thousand bacteria at a speed of 160 km/h β €

ΠžΡ‚ Pull-ups are a warm-up before training in the gym. Therefore, if you do not stretch in the morning, it will be difficult for you to deal with even the simplest things during the day 😴 β €

К Mahdia is a warning to the body that requires you to stop eating. If you eat too quickly and too much, vagus nerve irritation occurs. Therefore, if you constantly suffer from hiccups, try to eat smaller portions and more slowly, and chew your food well πŸ— β €

πŸ”Ή The skin swells from moisture. The body adapts to a humid environment and increases its grip on a wet surface when you lie in the shower and your skin grimaces on your fingers. To put it bluntly, your fingers become clingy πŸ›€ πŸ›€

πŸ”Ή Rooster skin. These blisters appear when a person feels cold and when he feels emotionally aroused. Goose skin fights heat in this way, reducing heat generation through the skin's pores πŸ¦† β €

πŸ”ΉTears don't just remove foreign objects from the eye. It is also a tool for emotional protection. For example, increased tearing reduces cortical excitability after injury.

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