Foods That Prevent Hair Loss

Finding the root cause of hair loss is the first step to treating it! Luckily, there are many ways to do this, from nutritional supplements to topical treatments to cosmetic changes or procedures.

One of the most common causes of thinning hairs comes down to diet. Certain foods can hurt your hair by causing inflammation or low levels of growth hormones. Consuming these specific foods may be the key in finding the right balance for your hair and hairstyle trends that keep them at an acceptable level.

There are some pretty clear culprits when it come to food-induced hair loss. Unfortunately, some people lose their hair due to genetics or health conditions so avoiding these not only helps prevent weight gain, but also helps preserve natural hair growth.

Certain types of fruits and vegetables like bananas, berries, spinach, and nuts contain high amounts of iron. Iron is needed to produce red blood cells which carry oxygen around our bodies. Because skin functions as a way to take in additional oxygen, eating enough iron helps promote healthy hair growth.

Other vitamins such as vitamin A and zinc help regulate hormonal activity. If you notice your hair is thinner than normal, try adding more of these into your daily meal plan.

Red peppers

Many people know red pepper as a great source of antioxidants, but less known is that it can be a powerful tool in preventing hair loss. Recent studies indicate that beta carotene found in red pepper may promote new hair growth!

Beta carotene comes from plants like carrots or red peppers. It works by helping your body to use other nutrients more efficiently. As you can see, vegetables are a rich source.

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Carrots and spinach are both high in vitamin A, which helps keep your skin healthy. Vitamin A also aids in creating strong bones and mucus membranes.

You will find a higher amount of beta carotene in foods such as tomatoes, green veggies, and dried fruits. They are often times mixed into sauces and/or cooked along with the meat or chicken.

Note: Although not strictly considered an antioxidant, coconut oil has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. This means it may help prevent infection while enhancing bone health.

Using enough sun exposure for at least 10 minutes per day can aid in improving overall skin quality. Sunlight contains ultraviolet light, so this enhances general health.

Red yeast rice

Red yeast rice is an interesting ingredient to learn about! Recent studies have shown that it may prevent hair loss in some people. It does this by acting as a supplement, which helps promote growth of new hairs.

Red yeast rice can be obtained through oral supplements or ingestions. The best source is nutritional products sold online or at specialty grocery stores.

You will need to start with one dose and then work up from there to see if it works for you. Some people find it easier to take it once per day while others prefer taking it twice per week.

It is important to note that not everyone who uses red yeast rice experiences benefits. People may experience side effects such as stomach pain, diarrhea, or low blood pressure.

If you try red yeast rice and notice changes in your hair, give us a call so we can talk more about it.

Sunflower seeds

One of our favorite all-time hair eating foods is sunflower seeds. Not only are they delicious, but you can eat them in many different ways. They are also a great source of vitamin B, magnesium, and copper. Plus, a recent study determined that sunflower seed consumption may reduce inflammation or even prevent early skin aging due to their high content of omega-3 fats.

Inflammation has been linked to both short term and long term effects on your hair. For example, frequent use of hairsprays and other chemicals used in hairstyling can cause inflammation. This can lead to thinning or loss of hair.

To make a serving of sunflower seeds more exciting, we suggest adding some salt and pepper! Both taste good and add depth to the flavor.

Black beans

One of our favorite all-time hair eating foods is black beans. Why? Because they are packed with vitamins that help keep your scalp healthy, and even aid in regrowth when thinning occurs.

A few tablespoons of cooked black beans will give you one tablespoon of dried bean product. You can add this flavor item to most recipes or just eat it as an appetizer or snack.

Black beans are also lower in calories than other white meat products like chicken or fish. They are also more expensive per ounce than some seafood.

Mix two tablespoons of canned beans with one cup of rice and cook together. Then stir through coconut milk and salt and pepper to taste.

Red wine

One of the most popular beverages in America is red wine. Many people enjoy it for its taste, but some may be unaware that it does more than keep us awake during late night TV shows. It also aids in improving our overall health by acting as an antioxidant.

Red wine contains antioxidants called polyphenols. These play a significant role in protecting your skin from oxidative damage or stress.

Oxidative stress can occur when there are too many free radicals floating around your body. This can cause tissue to become damaged or even destroyed. When this happens, the body has to work extra hard to restore balance and get rid of the harmful molecules.

When you drink alcohol, these antioxidants are depleted due to digestion. Fortunately, research indicates that moderate drinking (one glass per day) can help protect your hair and skin.

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