Home Gym Exercise Program | Ahhmazingly Healthy

Anyone can achieve a great weight loss or muscle strength workout just from the comfort of your home without spending any money going to an expensive gym and have fun too! Make your home gym suit your desires for what you want to achieve, for example increasing strength through exercise and flexibility through stretching.

Stretching exercises should be done every day before exercise to warm up the muscles, as well as after exercise for a cool-down period so that the muscles relax and are not exposed to shock and to avoid cramping.

Let's say you want to focus on legs and butt on Monday. A simple home exercise would be… – Do squats 2-3 sets of 10, – Do lunges 2-3 sets of 10, – Climb up and down the stairs 5-10 times, – Do butt kicks and start in a hands and knees position, bending the knee Raise the foot toward the ceiling 2-3 sets of 10.

Tuesday, you want to focus on weapons. A simple home workout would be… – doing push-ups on the wall or for a more challenging exercise on the floor 2-3 sets of 10, – doing triceps curls using a chair. Turn and face your back to the seat of the chair, place your hands on the seat, walk your legs forward slightly, then bend the elbows and move the body up and down. 2-3 sets of 10. Use weights if you have them. If you do not have them, use a simple water bottle or soup can as a weight and do push-ups. On the shoulder 2-3 sets of 10.

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Wednesday, you want to focus on your abdominal muscles. A simple home exercise is… -Sit up 2-3 sets of 10, -Perform obliques 2-3 sets of 10, -Tilt the pelvis while raising the straight leg 2-3 sets of 10, -Do leg kicks in and out. From starting position on hands and toes, then bring knees in and repeat 2-3 sets of 10, – Alternate legs like running 2-3 sets of 10.

Thursday, you want to focus on cardio. A simple home exercise would be…. – Jump rope for 3-5 minutes, – Swim, – Run for one mile.

Friday, you want to focus on balance. A simple home exercise would be…. – Stand on one foot while catching the ball… If it's too easy, challenge yourself to stand on a soft pillow to disrupt your center of gravity,

Well, you got an idea how simple, easy and fun it is to exercise at home and reap the benefits of getting fit and fit. Be creative to change it but always remember that it is very important to keep developing yourself with challenge because if it becomes too easy the muscles will not strengthen themselves because they need more resistance or increased repetitions to become stronger and always lead with consistency to see real changes happen.

Try it and see how well the exercise program works for you. Thanks for letting me participate. Please comment, please like, share, subscribe to my blogs and keep reading!


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