How Is Olive Oil Benefits

For thousands of years, olive oil has been one of the most important oils in the world. It is known for its health benefits and uses that range from cooking to beautifying your skin.

It’s no wonder people all over the world worship the fatty acid structure of olive oil- it’s considered the king of oils!

While there are many different types of olives and olive mills, almost every country produces some kind of olive oil. And while not everyone’s olive oil is the same, they ALL have something special going for them.

We’re talking about how much orilie oleic acid (the main ingredient in olive oil) they use, what temperature they cool their oil down to, and what flavor additives they include. So let’s dive into the top olive oil health benefits shall we?

Healthy eating doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy sweets sometimes, but making smart food choices will help you feel better and live longer. Adding olive oil to your diet may be one of the best foods for your body.

Olive oil contains antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthine that work to prevent oxidative damage in our bodies. Oxidative stress happens when molecules gain an electron, causing other molecules to become unstable and break down faster than normal.

Protects your skin

Oils that are high in omega-3 fats like olive oil are very important to keep your skin healthy. Even just using some virgin olive oil on your hands can help prevent dry, cracking skin caused by frequent use of alcohol or drying foods such as dried fruits.

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Olive oils also contain antioxidants which aid in protecting your skin cells from oxidative damage. Oxidative stress happens when there is an imbalance between oxidizing agents (such as free radicals) and antioxidant nutrients in your body.

Some studies suggest that eating diets rich in antioxidants may boost your natural antioxidant levels and reduce risk of chronic diseases linked with oxidative stress including atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancers.

Improves your digestive health

Many people discuss olive oil as a miracle food, but few know all of its incredible benefits. Besides adding some flavor to your cooking or eating it directly, olive oil can do so many things for you.

Olive oil is made from olives, and while most people may not agree about which varieties are “the best”, we can agree that all oils that are 100 percent pure olive oil are good for us.

Some studies show that olive oil helps reduce cholesterol and blood glucose levels, both of which can be improved through diet.

It also aids in weight loss by acting as an appetite suppressant. Because it contains antioxidants, olive oil may boost overall wellness.

There have been several reports of olive oil helping improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This includes pain, diarrhea, and constipation, so if you suffer from IBS, try rubbing in some olive oil.

You may want to use just half a teaspoon at first, but work up to enough for a whole meal to enjoy these benefits.

Contains antioxidants

Recent studies show that olive oil may help prevent heart disease by lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and blood pressure, while raising HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

A review of 9 studies conducted in Italy found that people who used extra virgin olive oil for 2–12 months had decreases in total and LDL cholesterol levels. A study conducted in 10 countries also reported similar results: those using high doses of olive oil for 6 weeks experienced significant drops in their LDL levels.

Another small clinical trial determined that ingesting 1–4 tablespoons per day of either pure olive or mixed-bean oil helped keep blood lipid levels under control. The researchers did not find any benefits to incorporating sunflower oil into the diet.

Olive oil is considered an excellent source of monounsaturated fats. These are sometimes called “lovely” fats because they increase your body’s ability to absorb and use fat for energy. Many experts believe that eating enough mono­ unsaturated fats can reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

However, like all foods, olive oil comes with limitations. Too much can be harmful, so please look forward to our tips at the end of this article on how to use olive oil responsibly.

Improves your memory

Although many people believe that olive oil is only good for your skin, studies show that it may actually help improve your memory as you get older.

Olive oil contains antioxidants called polyphenols. These antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress in the body, which has been linked to cognitive decline.

Oxidative stress occurs when there are too many free radicals floating around in the body. As humans age, levels of antioxidant activity decrease, creating an environment where more oxidation happens. When this happens at a young age, it might not be a big deal; however, as you grow older, it becomes increasingly important to have enough antioxidants to keep things working properly.

Some experts speculate that because olive oil contains lots of these antioxidants, it may protect your brain from oxidative damage and thus boost memory retention. This could also mean protecting against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Add it to your salads

Adding olive oil to your diet should be done with caution, however. Although many claim that olive oil is healthier than other oils, this isn’t always the case. Many of these claims are marketing tricks or false information.

Some say that olive oil is better for you because it is “heart-healthy” but they forget to mention another important fact – just like any other oil, there is some olive oil that is bad for you. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) can contain up to 20% fat!

We don’t recommend using lower quality olive oil as part of the healthiest way to eat. Unfortunately, most EVOOs have higher amounts of acidity due to their process of production which makes them more likely to oxidize and go rancid. Both of these things negatively affect the flavor and overall health benefits of the oil.

So how do we know if an olive oil is good or not? There are several characteristics that determine whether an olive oil is pure and healthy enough to use in our diets. The best olive oils will be clearly labeled with terms such as first press, light pressure, no heat, organic, etc.

Add it to your soups

Adding olive oil to your food is one of the most fundamental ways to enjoy it, and not only that, but you can make some pretty tasty dishes with it. It will not burn in flavor nor do it take long to use up.

Olive oils are packed full of nutrients such as vitamins A, B6, K, magnesium, iron, and copper. They also contain antioxidants such as lutein, beta carotene, and vitamin E.

Many people add extra virgin olive oil to their foods- particularly salads! Heating olive oil removes some of its nutritional value so be sure to use it before adding to your meal. Just remember that less pure olive oil has thinner qualities than regular olive oil.

Another way to use olive oil is to bake with it. Some recipes call for olive oil as an ingredient so having a piece or two won’t hurt anything. You can also toast it and put it onto vegetables or bread.

Use it as a base for your sauces

While most people know olive oil is great for you, some may not be quite sure how to use it. Many believe that oils are only meant to be directly mixed into foods or used in making recipes, but you can go beyond this!

Olive oil has many uses that are more than just cooking-related. You can mix it with other oils to make new oils, suchas salad dressings or sautéing agents. It also makes an excellent natural preservative because it does not spoil easily.

It can be consumed directly through nutrition shakes or supplements, or topically via skin care treatments or moisturizers. When measuring olive oil, do not whisk it until it congeals, instead swirl it using a streamer method to determine its quality.

Furthermore, olive oil is very expensive so try to find ways to use it outside of eating! Creating your own new oils or experimenting with existing ones is a way to cut down on the cost.

Use it as a seasoning

One of the most popular uses for olive oil is as an ingredient in recipes. You can use it to fry, roast, or toast foods, but it is not necessary because most cooked vegetables and meats have enough natural oils to flavor them.

Olive oil can be used in large quantities during cooking since it does not burn. It also solidifies at lower temperatures than other oils, making it easy to add into dishes when needed.

Some people believe that consuming extra virgin olive oil helps improve skin health due to its high content of antioxidants. However, research has shown that although olive oil may contain some vitamins, they are unlikely to do much beyond acting as a moisture barrier to help keep your skin hydrated.

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