Living a yogic lifestyle is much more than just practicing yoga every day. It’s about living in harmony with nature, giving back to those who are less fortunate, and cultivating peace within yourself.
Yogis spend their time exploring the benefits of meditation, engaging in ethical practices such as truth-telling, compassion, and nonviolence, and creating healthy routines that contribute to self-care.
They also devote time to give away or donate goods they no longer need, reduce their food intake to avoid waste, and grow their own foods to preserve the environment. All of these things combine to create an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
There are many ways to live a yogic lifestyle. Some people may not feel that is what defines them as a practitioner, but it can be. What matters is whether you practice certain principles in your life and how you treat others.
This article will talk about some simple ways to add little touches to your daily yoga routine that promote health, happiness, and environmental sustainability.
Slow down
Our daily lives are too fast. We need to slow things down. Living a yogic lifestyle will help you do that! Yoga has been shown to increase your sense of calm, reduce stress levels, and promote health and wellness.
You can practice yoga at any level – beginner, intermediate or advanced. There are many different styles of yoga, so pick one that fits what you want to learn. Some popular types include Vinyasa (the flow style), Ashtanga (eight-limb position yoga), and restorative yoga (supported sitting).
Start with just ten minutes a day and see how you feel after that. You may find it helps you relax and focus, which can be helpful in preparing for sleep or during work hours. Or you might like it more and choose to spend longer doing yoga every time you exercise.
Whatever your goal is, keep practicing! It will take some time to feel comfortable, but don’t give up. This will open up new doors for you.
Practice meditation
A key part of living as a yoga practitioner is practicing meditation. Meditation can be done anywhere, any time, for anything! There are many types of mediation, from simple breathing exercises to more advanced techniques like mindfulness or formal Buddhist meditations.
The easiest way to begin practicing meditation is by doing it for ten minutes every day. You do not need to make this longer than that unless you want to. Starting with our easy start here will give you a feeling of ease in your practice and help you keep the momentum moving forward.
There are several different ways to achieve this. Some people focus exclusively on sitting practices, while others combine lying down and standing positions along with seated ones. What matters is which one feels most comfortable to you and you can gradually add onto that.
Some prefer soft music during their meditation, whereas others find silence works best for them. The only thing you must have is a space where you feel relaxed and able to concentrate. This could be at home, work or somewhere else. Whatever you choose, just don’t let things get too busy and noisy around you.
Do yoga
Now that you have found your inner-yogist, it is time to start practicing! Start with doing a short session of yoga every day. You can do a simple yoga workout or something more advanced depending on how well you feel about yourself.
There are many different types of yoga out there. They all share some common features, such as having your hands together in what’s called a prayer position, sitting down, and lifting your legs up.
But other parts may differ slightly, like whether you should breathe through your nose or mouth or if someone teaches tricep dips instead of calf raises.
Practicing yoga will help you relax and reduce stress. Not only does yoga work on relaxing individual muscles, but also reducing overall stress levels.
It has been shown to improve sleep quality and mood, increase body awareness, enhance self-confidence, and contribute to weight loss. All of these benefits add up, helping you live an happier life.
You don’t need any formal training to begin practicing yoga. There are several great resources available online and in stores designed to teach you the basics of yogilife.
Start small by trying for one minute of yoga per week, then two minutes next month, and so forth until you find an amount of time you can really enjoy.
Tone your muscles
When you exercise, you are working your muscles. There are three main types of muscle groups in your body-cardiorespiratory, skeletal, and core. Cardio muscles include those that work with blood circulation such as the heart and lungs. The other two major muscle groups are the larger, more external ones like your thighs or arms, and the smaller internal ones like your stomach muscles.
The size of each individual’s muscle group depends upon many things including their genetics and diet. What is important, however, is how much they use them!
If you spend most of your time sitting at a desk or behind the wheel, your internal muscles will become weak and lose tone. This can lead to overuse injuries and stress on the supporting tissues.
External muscles like your thigh or abdominal walls can get bigger and tighter due to repeated activity. This can cause pain when engaging in activities where mobility is limited, for example, when lying down or moving around in bed.
However, if you take some time every week to do exercises that target the inner muscles, then your overall balance and strength will improve. You may also want to focus on doing less intense workouts, instead of spending hours on an expensive gym membership.
Do exercise
One of the first things that can hinder your yoga practice is lack of activity. If you don’t workout, you won’t feel like doing anything related to yoga- practicing poses, breathing exercises, and meditation.
Before becoming involved in yoga, most people start out trying to get their muscles to loosen up and relax. Some go through the initial stages with very little effort, however, it’s hard to enjoy yoga if you are just lying around feeling relaxed.
Regular workouts help keep your body active and awake. Not only do they strengthen your muscles, but also increase your heart rate and blood circulation as well.
There are many ways to achieve an overall healthy lifestyle. By working out on at least half hour per day, you will have found one more tool to use in your yoga journey.
Learn to laugh
The first step towards living a yoga lifestyle is learning how to relax your mind- you can do this by practicing mindfulness.
Mindfulness comes from the Sanskrit word ‘meditate’, which means to pay attention or focus on something for a specific length of time.
By focusing on what you’re doing at the moment, with deliberate effort, you are performing a form of meditation.
You can practice mindfulness in any situation, even while eating breakfast every morning, or while talking to someone.
The more you practice it, the better you will get at it.
Start small by trying to spend one minute of each day breathing deeply and slowly. Over time, you can add minutes to that!
Yoga teaches us about different types of relaxation, but the most fundamental type is relaxing the body.
Practice some simple moves like lying down and holding your hands up over your head, then lowering yourself onto your elbows, knees, or feet.
This is called resting on your own neck. You can do this many times during the day, whatever you feel relaxed after.
Spend time with friends and family
Living an authentic yogic lifestyle does not happen overnight, but you can start by making changes in your daily life. You will want to include some basic practices in your daily routine.
You can begin by setting an intention for the day by saying something like “I am practicing yoga today” or “May my actions reflect I have practiced yoga before” or something along those lines.
Be intentional
Living as a yoga practitioner means developing an everyday practice that you are willing to consistently maintain. You will want to hold your practicing session for longer than just a few minutes, and you will strive to make it a part of your daily life.
Your yoga practice should be integrated into your daily routine like walking or taking the bus, or perhaps even making it a habit you keep before work or after school.
You can also choose to do yoga at home, outside or in a different setting depending on your schedule. No matter what style of yoga you prefer, there is one thing that they all have in common: consistency!
Consistency is key because it allows your body to get used to the exercises, and you to get the most out of them. This also helps you feel more confident in your own yoga skills since you have practiced these things before!
Living a yogic lifestyle doesn’t mean only doing yoga once a week either. Even if you only have time to do a short meditation or some simple poses, that’s okay!
Having a shorter practice isn’t bad, especially when you have a lot of things going on in your life. Life can easily get away from us, so having small breaks to re-focus is very needed.