How to treat allergy and asthma effectively that save?

using Advanced air purifier A good way to deal with indoor air pollution. This is important for anyone suffering fromstma. While there is no effective Asthma treatmentin addition to good control (both in terms of quantity and concentration) of indoor pathogens such as mold, dust, feather mites, dust mites, and cigarette smoke. Allergies and asthma They are often related to each other. Studies in the United States show that asthma is a common cause of asthma. Therefore, to effectively prevent and treat asthma, it is necessary to first treat allergies, dust, pollen, odors, etc. To do this you need: An air purifier can handle these pathogens. We would like to present Airocide APS – 200 Air Purifier.
Atmospheric annihilation air purifiers do just that Do not use Filters. In particular, Airocide uses dual bactericidal technology: Catalytic photosynthesis with Titanium dioxide and Nanoparticles In molecular and UV radiation levels at a standard wavelength of 254 nm Able to kill nearly 100% of pathogens in the air, leaving the air in your home feeling clean and comfortable.
In addition, APS-200 aerial annihilation It has a luxurious design that resembles home interior decoration, unlike any other air purifier usually found on the market. In addition to cleaning and disinfection technology Aerial annihilation The engineers were experienced NASA Development, not production Ozone And certified by Food and Drug Administration. In addition, this ultra-modern air purifier is designed to clean the air in any room of different sizes.
The Airocide air purifier is the latest technology developed by NASA. Finally, an air purifier that helps you feel better. content. Available in Al Manara Pharmacy Selected ports.
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