Many smokers have 'stereotype triggers'. A pattern trigger describes something that associates daily activity with smoking. For some people, their morning coffee is a stereotypical trigger: they have coffee, a cigarette, and smoke while drinking. For others, it's a lunch break at work or a ride home. When you take the time to identify your pattern triggers and become aware of them, you have taken the first step to overcoming them. The next step is to learn what to do instead of smoking, to retrain your mind and body to associate this activity with something other than smoking.
Ready to start breaking some smoking triggers? Here are five of the most common trigger patterns, plus some tips and ideas on what you can do instead, so you can break the pattern, stop the triggers, and achieve victory over smoking!
Trigger pattern: Talking on the phone while smoking Do this instead: Find an alternative to keep. Try a carrot stick, a piece of celery, or another healthy snack where you would normally hold a cigarette. Another idea: chewing gum.
Trigger pattern: Driving while smoking Do this instead: Squeeze a stress ball or hand grips to keep your hands busy and build hand strength.
Trigger pattern: Postprandial Do this instead: Brush your teeth. This will give your mouth a new taste and will discourage you from smoking.
Trigger pattern: During a break in work Do this instead: Take a walk. If you habitually smoke with your co-workers during a break, separate yourself from the group or encourage them to join you in quitting smoking.
Trigger pattern: Before bed Do this instead: Exercise. Studies show that exercising 90 minutes before bed helps you get deeper, more restorative sleep.
As with any healthy activity, we encourage you to talk with your doctor or health care professional about the changes you make to your lifestyle. For support, resources and advice to quit smoking, email our team of tobacco education and cessation specialists. We are here to help.