Rollie Rhymes: Chasing Kindness – Breathe DC

Here comes the express bus, just in time.
Always reliable, leading the way in her prime.

Good morning, elegant young man, greet the friendly bus driver.
Tell me where you're going before you sit down.
“To a school in Riverdale, the land of plenty,” Rowley answered.
Well, relax young man, it's a long journey.

This is how it begins Chase kindness The latest poem in the Rollie Rhymes series.
Read full Chase kindness poem here †

Breathe DC staff share their first-hand tobacco experience, past and present, to help highlight the ways tobacco has impacted their lives. In this segment of Employee Stories, our CEO, Rolando Andron, uses poetry to share an encounter he had “back in the day” in New York City. Read all Rollie Rhymes series †'

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