Rollie Rhymes: Tobacco Dead Ends

Little Rollie started smoking before he was a teenager.
At the time, he didn't know cigarettes were so bad.
“My father smoked Winston and so did I,” he said.
Thinking it was cool, and calm, so he flew.
in Tobacco is a dead endthe new installment in the Rollie Rhymes series of short stories, we learn about Rollie's initiation into tobacco, re-initiation and decision to quit smoking, with a lifelong impact.
Read full Tobacco is a dead end poem here †
Breathe DC staff share their first-hand tobacco experience, past and present, to help highlight the ways tobacco has impacted their lives. In this segment of Employee Stories, our CEO, Rolando Andron, uses poetry to share an encounter he had “back in the day” in New York City. Read all Rollie Rhymes series †'