Thousands of Prenatal Supplements Fail to Provide Adequate Nutrients

One study indicates that 90% of pregnant women do not obtain sufficient nutrients during pregnancy from food alone and must resort to nutritional supplements to fill this deficiency.

However, they also found that 99% of affordable supplements do not contain adequate amounts of important micronutrients that are needed to compensate for nutritional deficiencies.

Nutrition is essential for the health of the mother and child. Not having enough of certain nutrients can lead to birth defects, low birth weight, and premature birth, among other health problems. The excess can also change how a baby's body grows and the risk of developing health problems later.

That's why eating a balanced diet as well as choosing good prenatal supplements is so essential. The study observed 2,450 women during pregnancy. Data was first analyzed on what the women drank and ate throughout their pregnancies.

The amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin A each individual was getting from food alone and how much they needed to meet the National Institutes of Health's dietary guidelines for pregnancy were then determined. It is selected. They then compared more than 20,000 supplements containing additional nutrients.

Of all the general and prenatal supplements analyzed, only one was identified that could give pregnant women optimal amounts of essential nutrients. However, the monthly cost of this supplement may be prohibitive for some individuals, and pregnant women have to take 7 tablets daily.

The results of this study will help advise pregnant women and their doctors about important nutrients that are lacking in their diets and help in choosing prenatal supplements that can provide the necessary nutrients. Dietary supplement manufacturers can also use these results to improve product dosages.

The study results underscore the continuing need for prenatal nutritional supplement options that are convenient and inexpensive, while providing optimal amounts of essential nutrients. More research on dietary nutrients is also required to help provide pregnant women with more of these essential nutrients in their daily diets.

Image by Manuel Alejandro Leon from Pixabay

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