Weight Loss: Make It Easy!

I was never able to lose weight until I stopped trying. This was after my third child left my body and into this world. After packing on 50 pounds, looking at the salt and sharp cheddar that subsided the nausea, I said, “I give up. I'll never deprive myself again. If it's not easy, I won't do it.”
What happened at that moment scientifically was neural integration.
I didn't care what anyone thought, what I thought, or what my weight would be. All that mattered to me was connecting with the deepest part of myself and eating what my body was asking of me.
I was only 32 years old, and at the time, I had no idea that announcing this was a neurophysiological and important first step.
Since then, research has helped me hypothesize why rewiring one circuit at a time, after that first step, led to effortless weight loss. The EBT program will guide you to rewire the same circuits, which may help rebalance the eight main chemicals that lead to overeating and weight gain.
Here's a quick look at this beautiful trip:
Start by stopping
Start by not caring about your weight. Your weight is what others talk about, but avoid this self-disavowal. Instead, say to yourself: “My mission is to connect to the deepest part of myself and create so much joy in my life that I have that biochemical level that blocks the chemical flow of stress that makes me hungry, lethargic, fat, and conceited.” “Shame.”
Give it up. Next, settle into your EBT support group and make a commitment to connecting with yourself, trusting your body, and creating joy. Watch my videos on refurbishing circuits and use this information and your EBT application to dismantle (“crush!”) any wire that is blocking your joy.
Rewire your food circuit
Most people start by rewiring their food circuit. Eat what you want without judgment, and notice that you eat less. Your stress level is reduced, so your brain is more likely to experience the negative sensations of overeating or undereating, and you begin to learn to eat when you are hungry and stop only when you are satisfied, not excessively full.
When overeating bothers you enough, use EBT to discover and rewire the circuit that causes binge eating, mindless eating, food addiction, or overeating. Select the wire you want to erase and reconnect it. You'll know you've rewired it when you spontaneously and effortlessly eat less. Don't expect much, but appreciate a shift, and even though it's confusing, you'll feel like you're headed in the right direction in your food and your life.
Clear the temper wire
Once you have rewired your food circuit, your attention will turn to rewiring another circuit. Rewiring is exciting and fun. This time, reconnect the bad mood, and also the survival circuit. Often, it's a tense mood that triggers overeating, such as depression or anxiety, but sometimes it's the state you crave, such as numbness, that is activated with your food circuit. For some people, it is the mood that follows overeating, such as shyness.
Choose one of them and reconnect it. A feeling of freedom will follow. You are happier and healthier because after your food and mood circuits are rewired, your brain's set point will be higher, so the chemical stress cascade calms down. Biochemically, you feel more rewarded by the natural pleasures of life. Your attention will shift to relationships.
Crush your love and body circles
With enough stress, the brain activates a circuit to blend in and lose our boundaries with others, or distance, creating thick boundaries. They both prevent a surge of oxytocin, the love chemical that suppresses appetite. Reconnect your love circuit.
At this point in your EBT journey, you may have lost weight naturally. However, it's not over yet. The most important wire is your body circuit, which is the impulse to hold on to excess weight for protection or to govern your body. Both are major psychological assaults that prevent permanent weight loss. Reconnect it.
Now, the most beautiful transformation occurs when the pleasure of getting rid of excess weight becomes more beneficial than holding on to it. It is biochemical and natural. You like to be a little hungry. When someone puts too much food on your plate, you protest. Instead of fighting the urge to overeat, you discover how important it is to be a little hungry and shed that weight.
Now, any focus on weight loss strategies is great, and the way you used to share food stories or recipes with others, now you enjoy stories of not needing extra food. For some, food becomes a problem not worth talking about. Just like a love relationship that ends, the magic of food is gone, replaced by your immense love for yourself.
Raising the Set Point: A Life of Joy and Purpose
The final part of the EBT program is to raise your set point, train your brain for permanent changes in eating and weight, and wire your brain to optimal health. By raising your set point, you are less likely to rewire old wires, and you develop into a person wired for joy and purpose.
At that point, most people say they were grateful they struggled with eating and weight because it motivated them to rewire their brains in a way that would make their lives complete. Food and weight have long ceased to be an issue in their lives, and they now have the freedom they have longed for.
That is why the method was initially called the solution. It provides more than permanent weight loss. It is a path to a new and better life.