Wendy Williams Speaks Out About Her Guardianship Experience

Wendy Williams spoke about living under a court-appointed conservatorship in an interview with The Breakfast Club. The famous radio and TV presenter denied that the restrictions in her life were necessary. “I am not cognitively impaired,” Williams stated clearly. “But I feel like I'm in prison.”

The 2024 four-part Lifetime documentary “Where's Wendy Williams?” Williams was diagnosed with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. According to the magazine Nature Reviews Neuroscience“Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a progressive language disorder that is a frequent symptom of neurodegenerative diseases such as frontotemporal lobar degeneration.” The Alzheimer's Association reports, “Neuron damage caused by frontotemporal dementia leads to loss of function.”

Understanding guardianship is essential, regardless of a person's social or financial situation.

Guardianship can happen in anyone's life. You may be placed under guardianship due to illness or injury. You may also be called upon to act as a trustee.

Williams described her surroundings. “I'm in this place where people are in their 90s, 80s and 70s,” Williams continued. She described individuals facing challenges in sharing their space. “There's something wrong with these people here on this floor,” she added. Williams revealed that she spent her past three birthdays alone and preferred that to being in the presence of the facility's residents. “I keep the door closed. I'm watching TV,” she said.

“I'm watching out the window, you know? And I'm sitting here while my life goes on.” The Breakfast Club host Charlamagne Tha God, who has a long personal and professional history with Williams, claimed she was “trapped”.

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“Wendy can make her own decisions. She's not cognitively impaired. She's not helpless. She's being exploited,” he told the audience. Williams declared,

“This system is broken.” Williams' niece, Alex Finney, who participated in the interview, agreed. “It's over there in New York, in this place, which is basically like what some people call a luxury prison.”

What is guardianship?

According to iInternational Journal of Law, Policy and Family“The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect the interests and rights of a person with reduced mental capacity and to ensure that he or she receives the necessary support.” Guardianship laws vary by state.

In New York, where Williams is based, “a judge can appoint a Section 81 guardian to assist a person in managing his or her personal needs, property, or both,” according to the court. New York courts.

Guardianships are usually enacted after evidentiary hearings. The purpose of these hearings is to “obtain input and background from medical professionals to assist the judge and determine whether someone is incapacitated or incapable,” according to attorney Thalia DuBose.

DuBose commented on the importance of providing complete reports at hearings. “It's very important, and it's essential, that you have a comprehensive report and background on someone, and that the family or the court can potentially decide whether or not they're incapacitated or unable to handle their own medical decisions,” DuBose told Black Health. It matters.

What type of information is taken into account in guardianship updates?

Dr. Latsha Sampson, Ph.D., who has been called in numerous guardianship cases, stressed the need to give adequate time to medical professionals who file reports in guardianship cases. “Often, the legal profession does not understand the length of time it may take a doctor to write a comprehensive report,” she said. “They just call out things like notes. Well, I can tell you, as a medical professional, that a lot of times a lot of terms are used in notes.

the American Academy of Pediatrics The Journal of Patient Education and Counseling points out that non-professionals can misunderstand and misinterpret medical terminology.

What challenges does guardianship face?

Article in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society In 2022, he stated that “conservatorship may pose an ethical dilemma for doctors, who must balance protecting vulnerable patients from potential safety concerns with respecting their autonomy.”

In 2016, Journal of Aging, Longevity, Law and Policy “Over the years, the concept of surrogate decision-making has changed to move away from the ‘best interests’ model toward ‘surrogate judgment’ standards in which the guardian or other surrogate uses the person’s values ​​and preferences in making choices,” it stated.

Williams expressed desires for things, such as what type of hairbrush she wanted to use, that were not fulfilled during the interview.

Why do you need to understand guardianship?

“Educating yourself means empowering yourself,” DuBose said. “You should have a full understanding of the signs to look for when you think a parent or loved one is showing symptoms of incapacitation.”

You must understand how to make these assessments so that you can speak on behalf of your loved one if necessary because the person determining their fate may not understand them.

Finney expressed that those who are not familiar with her might misinterpret her aunt's obsessive personality.

magazine American Geriatrics Society He found that “it has been observed that even in cases where a standardized medical instrument is available, clinicians inconsistently assess mental capacity.”

“Medical hygiene is a practice,” said Dr. Sampson, Ph.D. “It depends on the professional clinical assessment of the person at that time. So, I might be assessing someone at 8am, and someone might be assessing someone at 8pm and getting two completely different results. That's why it's so important to educate people about these “Issues.”

The degree to which someone's cognition can be diminished varies depending on their circumstances, noted biologist Cary Winchell, MD, MD. “I think it's very important that it's individualized because it's not a textbook fit for everyone,” she told Black Health Matters.

She described how the treatment of someone under guardianship requires careful precision. “It's a delicate dance because you want to make sure that that person's independence, who they are, and that central core of their personality is preserved, honored, and acknowledged,” said Dr. Cary Winchell, MD.

How can being in guardianship affect an individual's mental health?

Dr. Carrie Winchell, MD, explained why placing a person under guardianship can make them feel imprisoned. “Your rights are taken away, and when that happens, incarceration is the perfect word to describe losing your ability, or your independence, to do what you want to do,” she told Black Health Matters.

Dr. Sampson, Ph.D., agreed. “You have been stripped of your constitutional rights,” she said in an interview. “People in society don't understand what that means. You are unable to make any and all decisions regarding every aspect of your life.

Dr. Sampson, Ph.D., explained what it can feel like to be under a guardianship you have nothing to do with. “Imagine if every decision in your life was made by someone else, who is not a family member, who is not intimately familiar with you, your medical condition necessarily, or anything about your culture, customs, beliefs, or values.” she said.

How are guardians selected?

Guardians are appointed by the court. Sometimes, they are their loved ones. However, in cases where the court suspects that a conflict of interest could harm the person under guardianship, an outsider may be appointed.

Guardianship can be re-evaluated

Not all guardianships are permanent. Cognitive abilities can fluctuate in some cases.

“I never want to put someone in a category and say, 'You're this. This is how it's going to be forever,'” said Dr. Cary Winchell, M.D. “I think we need to take advantage of technology and medicine and the ability to make sure that this person stays in this.” Really level.”

Finney noted that Williams' cognitive abilities were not tested again. “She did not, from what I understand, undergo a medical evaluation to see if her rights could be restored,” Finney said during the interview.

How can doctors help those in guardianship?

If the doctor suspects that the parent is abusing his or her responsibility, he or she should speak up. They do not need hard evidence to make a claim. Doctors should feel empowered to advocate for their patients, said Dr. Cary Winchell, MD. “It's okay to be wrong. We're human. But you don't want to miss the opportunity to help someone, and not every doctor is an expert in everything and when it comes to abuse,” she added.

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