5 Sleeping Tips To Avoid Back Pain

5 Sleeping Tips To Avoid Back Pain، If you are in pain, give yourself permission to stop and relax!

Sleeping with a firm bed is one of the best sleeping tips for back pain sufferers. When your body is relaxed, it does not have to work as hard to get rid of all the stress it has from earlier that day. Stress can cause your muscles to become tight and tense, which only makes your symptoms feel worse.

Regularly sleep in a soft mattress will help reduce the pressure on your back. Unfortunately, most people do not enjoy spending money on mattresses so this tip may be tricky to follow.

There is a way to spend less than $200 on an excellent foam mattress layer that will definitely improve your current mattress! Read on to find out how.

1. Use a gel pillow

Try investing in a gel pillow or mattress top cushion. A gel pillow is similar to a normal pillows except they are denser and slightly thicker. A gel mattress top cushion is also referred to as a mattress protector due to its ability to offer some level of protection against moisture and dust mites.

Both products are manufactured using natural latex that has been processed without chemicals. These products are particularly helpful if you are sensitive to regular foam blankets.

You can purchase both of these at almost any store that sells beds and bedroom items.

2. Use the right mattress

5 Sleeping Tips To Avoid Back Pain

The thickness of your bed-surface is an important factor in how much pain you will experience with backaches. A thin cushioning layer of foam or gel between the bed and body is better than nothing, but if it’s too soft, it can contribute to more back pain.

A thicker, heavier mattress is a better choice unless you have very strong neck muscles that keep your spine stable. In that case, a thinner pillow may be more comfortable for you.

You should also check whether the firmness varies by level. A firmer mattress at the waistline is ideal because it supports your lower back while being slightly softer up top to help prevent “overcompensation” where you push harder on your pelvis area to try to fix the low back.

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3. Get an exercise program

5 Sleeping Tips To Avoid Back Pain

If you’re in pain, then don’t do anything other than sleep or sit down! And if you need to take a break from sleeping, try to relax instead of lying on your bed with all sorts of muscles tight.

Sleeping on a firm surface and under warm blankets can help keep your body relaxed and prevent muscle tension.

Try using a mattress that is supportive but not too soft. A memory foam mattress will shape to your body as it conforms to your weight, helping to even out any pressure points.

You may also want to invest in some pillows that are high quality so they remain durable. Use a fluffy pillow for your neck and lower back to ease stress and discomfort.

For people who suffer from arthritis, replacing old, thin sheets with heavier ones can make a difference. Test out different thicknesses to see which feel best and most comfortable.

4. Do yoga

5 Sleeping Tips To Avoid Back Pain

If you suffer from back pain, trying some new exercises is your best bet. Yoga is a great exercise that can help reduce stress as well as strengthen your muscles and bones.

Yoga includes practices such as stretching, breathing exercises, and moving or sitting positions. Some of the most common ones are practicing poses like the kneeling position on your knees with your hands touching for balance, the tabletop pose where you lay on your stomach, and the lying down dog position with your legs up.

These beginner poses can be modified to target back pain.

5. Learn to sleep properly

5 Sleeping Tips To Avoid Back Pain

The way you position yourself in bed can make a difference on how much pain you experience when sleeping. Unfortunately, most people are not great at sleeping so they could be creating more discomfort for themselves.

There are several positions that will help reduce back or neck pain while you’re asleep. These include:

The knees-to-elbows position

This is where your legs come up as close to your chest as possible. Your feet should rest on the floor with your ankles rested on each other. This helps prevent your pelvis from dropping down which could cause hip or knee damage.

Alternatively, you can put some pillows under your calves to keep them elevated. Both of these improve blood circulation and relax muscles.

Another option is to use a foam roller (or rolled up towel) under your hips and thighs to loosen those areas. You can also do this before going to bed if you feel tight there.

Breathing exercises can also help relax your body, especially your lower half. Simply breathe slowly and deeply for five minutes and then do it quickly and completely for another five minutes. Repeat twice every night before bed.

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